INTELIDENT | Clinica stomatologica - Abordare Intelident

We will offer patients the same kind of care that we would want for ourselves and our families. 

We listen to the patient and will work with him/her to achieve his objectives. Then we gather all the necessary medical information and will develop a comprehensive dental evaluation, using the most advanced technology in the field. 

We involve the patient in this evaluation and will discuss the results with him/her so that the patient is conscious about the state of oral health. 

Then we present a proactive plan with  treatment options to the patient. The function of this plan is not only to solve current problems, but also to prevent future illnesses. We will always recommend the most sustainable solutions and more natural and will fully inform patients about the benefits, advantages, disadvantages and risks associated with recommended treatments. 

Ultimately, the final decision will always belong to the patient, but he/she will be fully informed and prepared to make an informed decision. We offer to all patients a personalised treatment plan tailored to their program and to their financial capabilities, without making compromise on quality of services.

Benefits of INTELIDENT customised plan:

  • With this comprehensive and customised plan, the patient will be able to understand and participate in his own oral care.
  • The patient will have healthier teeth and gums, a smile more attractive and will keep his natural teeth throughout life. 
  • The patient will spend less time at the dentist, will reduce long-term costs and maximize his oral health condition.
  • Dr. Irina Lulache

    Dr. Irina


    Specialist Doctor


  • Dr. Raluca Gurban

    Dr. Raluca


    Specialist Doctor

    Periodontology and Implantology

  • Dr. Gianina Necula

    Dr. Gianina



    Dental Prosthetics and Esthetics


  • Dr. Alexandra Sovaiala

    Dr. Alexandra


    Specialist Doctor


  • Dr. Cristina Dumitru

    Dr. Cristina



    Dental Prosthetics and Pedodontics

  • Dr. Elis Bolat

    Dr. Elis



    Dental Prosthetics and Pedodontics